
Christmas Door Decoration Contest Winners for 2023!

We’re back this year with another Christmas Door Decorating Contest! We’re thrilled to start this back up again, and we had a large amount of great entries this year! So without further ado, let’s jump into the list of three category winners and one overall winner!

As always, every contest is judged by a different random acquaintance (or extended family member not involved in the business) of the Huber Family each year. We simply show them the photos we took and ask them to slot which ones they liked most into each category. Everyone has different tastes, so we get a wide variety of picks every year. Below are the winners for 2023:

Best Creative Design

Our judge loved the creative use of a variety of items affixed to the door, as well as the funny message! Plus, there have been lights wrapped the whole way around the door, lighting the whole place up! This door could fill a stocking quite nicely.

Best Use of Recycled/Craft Materials

Our judge was tickled by the adorably festive skeleton mouse entering their hidey-hole, as well as the assortment of home-made snowflakes. Do you think this mouse escaped Halloween and decided they liked the holidays a bit better?

Best Customized Wreath

Ho ho ho! Santa looks a bit different this time around! Our judge really enjoyed this creative use of wreaths to create a body for Ol’ Saint Nick. Plus, those stick arms are going to stay plenty cozy with those mittens on! You gotta stay warm when you’re stuck onto a door.

And for the best overall door…

Best Overall Door

Here we have an elaborate porch setup, featuring garlands, stickers, ornaments, and poinsettias! Our judge was wowed by the variety and fun in the layout. Plus there’s candy canes, wrapping paper (I think!), and a delivery truck for making sure presents arrive on time. Congratulations!

If your door is one of the ones selected here, we’ll be contacting you soon to send you your gift card prize! And everyone else who submitted a door design will get a participation gift hung on their doorknob this week. Thank you everyone for participating and making Huber’s Villa look amazing!

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